For those of you that don’t know, our very own Coach Katie of the 2009A Ridge Meadows Pride was included in the Legend Rings Coach of the Year Bracket. Her first round matchup is starting for voting today, Tuesday March 8, 2022 and lasts for 24 hours only.

To vote you need to go to @LegendRings on Instagram and vote for Katie on their story. You can vote a second time by going to @LegendRings on Twitter and voting for her there too.

1 Comment

  1. Dave & Marilyn McIntyre on March 30, 2022 at 11:12 am

    Katie Ross has been a super coach for the girls team. The girls work well for her and
    listen to what she says and do the best they can for her.
    Parents and Grand Parents enjoy watching the team play as they play as hard and as
    best as they can. Katie has turned them into a fine team full of pep and always ready
    to play.