Director – Team Operations Rep Report

November 15, 2020

First off I hope that all families and members of RMMSA are healthy & safe during these unprecedented times.  It has definitely been an interesting time in the world for all but hoping we can get back to some kind of normalcy soon.

Unfortunately last season ended abruptly due to COVID-19, something we all didn’t anticipate. It came with a lot of questions, protocols, safety measures and a sad cancellation of the season.

In light of all of the turmoil that was being thrown at us, I would like to take the opportunity to highlight a few items:

– A big thank you to all of the parents and coaches that did their best to try and make the best out of the 2020 season to ensure that all players had the opportunity to enjoy the sport they all love.

– Another thank you to Sally Smith for all of her efforts working with Softball BC & Via Sport to ensure that RMMSA was following all protocol and guidelines that were set out.

– HUGE thank you to Sally Clayton for all of her efforts in working on cohorts for all teams playing in the year end celebration, working closely with Softball BC and Sally Smith on protocols and guidelines along with rosters to ensure all players were adequately insured to continue playing.  Along these few tasks Sally also ensured scheduling of fields, completing the coordination of smart waivers required to play while ensuring safety mandates were being followed along with coordinating the Executive in all areas during these crazy times.

– Kim Brooks, all of your help and support while we sorted out team budgets, rosters, tryouts, protocols & CRC matters was greatly appreciated. I couldn’t have done it without you.

– Mark Sherling, your many hours that have been invested in keeping our members up to date on our website, assisting with tryout registration, smart waivers, & many other items has been so helpful and I appreciate all you do behind the scenes. You are definitely an unsung hero.

To summarize, there are many people within our Executive team (some not mentioned above) that put in a huge amount of volunteer hours to ensure that our association continues to be the best we can be and provides all rep teams with the ability to play in the safest way. I am extremely proud to be a part of a “Dream Team” and making a difference within our community. Thank you to everyone involved in the past season, I appreciate all of your efforts.

Here’s to the 2021 season!


Tanya Dawes
Director – Team Operations, RMMSA