2020 Vice-Presidents Report

November 15, 2020

This has been a year like no other and a giant learning curve for all of us.  I first off want to thank everyone for their time and support while we all learned to adapt to a new way of life.  I know this is still an emotional time for everyone and we have all had our own personal experiences with Covid 19 and how it has affected our lives.  The tough times have wreaked havoc on our lives with our friendships, our jobs and especially our families.  As parents and children decisions have been so difficult.  Separating our personal experiences from making decisions that have affected hundreds of softball players has been agonizing at times.  Many hours of sleep was lost trying to figure out what the safest plan of attack was.  The countless hours some of our VOLUNTEERS have put in is beyond anything that could ever be asked.  Sally Clayton and Sally Smith have put in countless hours, more than many of you could  fathom.  Many others were essential in helping to build our Covid plan, Mark, Joni, Kayla, Katie and Gary.  Thank you all for your time.  Tanya and I were dealing with some team issues and unfortunately some of them were beyond anything we could imagine including threats of lawsuits against our association.  I also want to thank Chris Young, our favorite Softball BC Minor Coordinator, for his support in these difficult matters.    Thank you to Pride 06 parents for your hard work in getting the warehouse spic and span so we were able to get in for some clinics and practices.  Also thanks to John for always being on call whenever there is an issue at the warehouse.

On a positive note RMMSA gave back to the community by allowing BC Corrections to use the warehouse to complete their COPAT testing. Corrections was very thankful to us for this because they needed to hire many new employees during the Covid outbreak in the prisons.

As we face what looks like it will be another season of uncertainty I hope we can all continue to work together for the love of the game and the love of the kids.  Even though we don’t always see things the same we are all here for the right reasons.  Again, thank you to everyone for your time.

Kim Brooks
Vice-President, RMMSA