Web Master’s Report
November 15, 2020

On November 1st, we launched the new RMMSA web site and began implementing TeamSnap. It is my pleasure to tell you a bit more about the new site and system and to provide some recommendations for using these systems in 2021.

The TeamSnap System

I am recommending that we start using TeamSnap as our record source for membership. We should start this season and use the system in parallel with the old spreadsheet system until both systems align. This will give us time to learn the system and train volunteers to manage the registry. Rostering in the system is also a nice feature and would save time, especially when it comes time to assigning all the house players to teams.

I also recommend that we try to use TeamSnap and its payment system (credit card only) for all registrations, membership, clinics, tournaments etc. We used the TeamSnap registration system for the Fall Clinic Registration and it went very well. I was able to hand it all over to Sally Smith, who managed both the registrations and payments and refunds all smoothly. Thanks to Kris Williams for handling the financial set up portion.

Please note that our Club TeamSnap subscription includes free Premium TeamSnap subscription for all our RMMSA teams. I will be creating a signup form on the web site so teams can apply for a free TeamSnap team subscription. Most of the rep teams are already on-board.

We have implemented the Financial and Invoicing modules with the registrations. This will allow us to collect funds for any events we have and to collect fees from members as needed. We can easily manage fees and refunds with security and auditing in place.

Other TeamSnap features, I recommend we use:
• Calendars for showing schedules
• Team level program for schedules and communication
• COVID-19 Health Checks (New)
• Email Messaging (We need to get our members in the system so we can make use of this.)

The Web Site


The new web site is up and running. There are still a few things to do. The new site is developed in WordPress which allows for viewing on all devices (including Windows PC, Apple iOS, Google Android). I was able to transition all the material from the old site to the new site.

My intent was to create a website that would show the depth of our club and encourage others to join. With this in mind, I created three guiding development principles:
1. Migrate all existing functions from the old site to new site.
2. Create a modern, secure site and make it available on all devices
3. Focus on new members for RMMSA

The web site is linked to TeamSnap, so you can see teams and their schedules.

I encourage you to spend a few minutes browsing the site and provide feedback and suggestions. I would love to add things you would like to see. New content is also very welcome (and needed). Please send me pictures and video. Stories are also great for our news posts.

You can easily contact the Webmaster by clicking the “Email Us” button at the bottom of the web site, main page.

Stay safe and be well.

Mark Sherling
RMMSA Webmaster