As spring break is getting closer, and with the announcement from Dr. Henry on outdoor gatherings of up to ten people, it is timely to remind everyone of the current guidelines for sport:
Youth or Minor Teams
– No games or scrimmages
– Teams are permitted to take part in practise, either indoors or outdoors while observing appropriate physical distancing and mask protocols at all times.
( 2 metre distance when not engaged in physical softball activities, 3 metre distance when doing physical softball activities)
(masks mandatory when indoors and NOT engaged in softball activity, exceptions being participants under the age of 12, masks are recommended when outdoors or engaged in softball activity)
– Practises are restricted to only with members of a team, no mixing of teams or clubs for practise
– Clinics are pre-registration, physical distancing at all times, size of gathering is determined by the facility.
Adult Teams
– No games or scrimmages
– Practise indoors restricted to 2 people
– Practise outdoors restricted to a maximum of 4 people, physical distancing must be observed at all times
– Physical distancing and mask protocols are the same as for youth teams
( 2 metre distance when not engaged in physical softball activities, 3 metre distance when doing physical softball activities)
(masks mandatory when indoors and NOT engaged in softball activity, exceptions being participants who, for medical reasons cannot wear a mask, masks are recommended when outdoors or engaged in softball activity)
The sport sector is continuing to work with the public health office and is part of advisory committees to keep the sport perspective and dialogue continuing with the PHO. As well, organized advocacy groups are in contact with the sport ministry to ensure our concerns are heard. We don’t know when the current restrictions will begin to be eased off, but it will be a gradual and deliberate process. Please continue to follow the guidelines and criteria you have in place, keeping our members and our community safe remains our top priority.
Thank you
Rick Benson Executive Director
Softball BC