Facility Booking Information


 RMMSA Facilities Booking Information


The following RMMSA facilities can be booked for practices, team meetings, team-building, and other events.

Booking requests should be submitted at least 24 hours (48 hours is preferred) before the requested dates and times.  We may not be able to secure your booking if your submission is made within less than 24 hours notice.


  • School District 42 rentals  = $24.68 per HOUR plus GST (2019 rates)
    • To book an SD42 elementary gym for dry land practice or any school parking lot for bottle drives, please proceed as follows:
    • NOTE:  Elementary schools can be rented Monday to Friday, 5pm to 10PM, if available. If you book Fridays, you might be bumped out due to PAC events (PACs usually book events on Fridays).  Secondary school gyms are NOT available for rental!
      School and PAC events overrule any community rental(s).
    • Email, do not phone, the SD42 Booking Clerk (Booking_Clerk@sd42.ca) indicating you are interested in booking a school gym or parking lot. IMPORTANT: PLEASE state your full name & that you are an RMMSA Coach or Manager!
    • The SD42 Booking Clerk will email a link & login info to you, to the SD42's new online booking program (new since 2018 schl yr) called "PerfectMind"
    • Once logged in, you can view & book facilities. 
    • When you have completed your bookings, and submitted your requests, the Booking Clerk will forard a contract to you, the RMMSA Facilities Scheduler & President. DO NOT SIGN IT... only the RMMSA Facilities Scheduling person and/or the RMMSA President is to sign SD42 contracts (insurance purposes) BUT PLEASE REVIEW contract to ensure all is correct... if mistakes, contact SD42 Booking Clerk, asap, & cc RMMSA's Facilities Scheduler.  RMMSA Facilities Scheduler will sign & return to SD42 and you.
    • Please keep copy of the signed contract on-hand while at that school property.

RMMSA Facilities


  • Located at #7 - 23382 River Road, Maple Ridge (next to Albion Tire)
  • The Warehouse is divided into 2 sections:  Side A & Side B (divisible by net curtains)
    • ​Side A is the bigger side, can be used for a full practice
    • Side B is the smaller side, used for batting practices
  • Before sending a booking request, please check the facility calendar to check the date and time you request is available.  Facility calendars are posted on our web site under the "Facilities" menu.
  • Please clean up after yourselves! As a courtesy to the next incoming team; ALL equipment, water bottles, gear, garbage, etc. is to be picked up/put away.
  • End your practice 5 min. before your session end-time, to give you/your team time to ensure EVERYTHING is cleaned and ready for the incoming team!  If we all do this, no team should have to clean up after another team!
  • Please bring all your recycling and/or garbage with you when you leave the premises… there are no longer garbage or recycling receptacles in the Warehouse
  • ONLY water, for drinking, is allowed on the Warehouse practice floor (no juices, sports drinks etc.)
  • ONLY use dimpled balls in pitching machines!
  • ONLY use softie softballs in the Warehouse!
  • Please be aware there are security cameras installed in Warehouse.
  • The entire Warehouse is on a timed thermostat, which is in a locked box and cannot be adjusted. If you experience problems with the heat/cold, please contact the RMMSA Warehouse Mgr and/or visit the Report a Problem link on our home page
  • If you experience faulty equipment (either due to your team and/or another) PLEASE visit the Report A Problem link on our home page.


​REP Teams

  • Rep teams are assigned a practice schedule for the Warehouse for the fall and winter months, generally starting October to the end of February (exact date to be announced each year)
  • ​Warehouse booking requests are on a first come, first served basis using the online form date/time stamp
  • Rep teams may book 1 extra practice per week
  • ​Official team practice schedules are assigned after RMMSA clinics have been scheduled; coaches will be contacted by the Scheduler

​House Teams

  • ​House teams may book the Warehouse starting in March


Meeting Room:

  • Located upstairs at the Warehouse, #7 - 23382 River Road, Maple Ridge (next to Albion Tireland)
  • Please do NOT park in Albion Tireland parking spaces! or the business immediatly south of them!
  • As always, we ask that the Meeting Room be put back to clean & tidy when you are done (no food, boxes, napkins, drinks, cups, etc. left and any messes cleaned up) and chairs & tables put away/tidied.).
  • ONLY DRY-ERASE MARKERS on the white board PLEASE!!!
  • There is a lockbox on the door frame of the Meeting Room holding the key to the door. You will get the code to the lockbox with your Meeting Room confirmaion/email.
  • PLEASE BE SURE TO RETURN THE KEY  to the lockbox! Know that RMMSA will be contacting the last person to use the Meeting Room, if the key goes missing/is not returned to the lockbox.
  • PLEASE BE SURE TO LOCK & CLOSE THE ROOM DOOR once you are done/leave.


Batting Cage:

  • Located in the parking lot of the Albion Sports Complex off 104th Ave (to your immediate right as you enter the parking lot)
  • Teams can book one practice a week, up to a week in advance (same as the Warehouse)... once you're done a practice, feel free to book another practice session for the following week, but not before, please. 
  • A practice session in the Cage = 2 hours
  • Please do NOT park in front of the double-large doors of the adjacent shed, especially during games/tourneys, as crew needs to access equipment via those doors.
  • Do NOT MOVE THE BATTING MATS! Please just move the practice plate to your team's age appropriate distance instead!  These mats are NOT meant to be moved once in proper placement
  • Ensure the Batting Cage is CLEAN BEFORE YOU LEAVE!  Please be mindful of other teams coming in after you... PICK UP all the balls and any garbage that you/your players may have dropped; we ask that you/players take their garbage/recyling with them.
  • The batting machines & appropriate machine balls are kept inside the Batting Cage.  There is no need to access the adjacent shed.
  • The lockbox located next to the Batting Cage door holds the key to the Batting Cage… you will get the code, to access that key, with your booking confirmation email.
  • PLEASE ENSURE THE KEY IS RETURNED to the lockbox, ready for the next team! Know that RMMSA will be contacting the last team/coach who used the Cage, if the key goes missing/is not replace!
  • IMPORTANT:  use the appropriate size/type ball for each batting machine!!  The wrong balls in the wrong machine can cause havoc and/or break the batting machines!! (these machines are expensive and can be temperamental!  😉
  • If you see any issues with this facility and/or equipment, please contact the Warehouse Manager right away.


Ridge Meadows Minor Softball Association acknowledges the Katzie First Nation and Kwantlen First Nation on whose traditional territories, our activities take place.